The Journal of Entrepreneurship & Leadership (JEAL) is a leading peer reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research papers on Entrepreneurship and Leadership.
The JEAL attracts submissions from international academics focusing upon theoretical, empirical, policy and practitioner issues within the fields of small business and entrepreneurship. Articles published in the JEAL are of importance to academics, policy makers, practitioners and analysts in government and organizations, seeking to understand entrepreneurship and leadership processes and outcomes.
The journal is global in orientation and focus. Given the dynamic and broad nature of the field of entrepreneurship and leadership, the Journal is multi-disciplinary and multi-paradigmatic. Hence, papers draw upon a wide range of academic disciplines and contribute to a myriad of contemporary disciplinary debates whilst supporting theory development within the domains of entrepreneurship and leadership. It encourages new ways of researching and conceptualising entrepreneurship and leadership. Authors are encouraged to submit complete unpublished and original works, which are not under review in any other journals.
Aims and scope
The Journal of Entrepreneurship and Leadership (JEAL) explores behavioural and managerial issues relating to all aspects of entrepreneurship and leadership development, from a global perspective. JEAL is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal designed to provide the highest quality on-going forum for academic researchers to exchange information, insights and knowledge based on both theoretical development and empirical research on contemporary entrepreneurship and leadership.
The JEAL publishes original, high quality articles that employ qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method studies that provide fresh insights into new and established research questions. These may be positivist, qualitative studies or interpretivist approaches. Studies need to clearly illustrate that appropriate methods have been used to explore research question(s). JEAL welcome high-quality articles that contribute to the advancement of the study of contemporary entrepreneurship and leadership.